Any exceptional dps is welcome to apply! All applications are
iCore is back and better than ever! We are all old friends that
have played together since wrath. over the years we have developed
and improved to become a top 250 guild during pandarian raids. We
moved to kazzak as jaedanar died and was impossible to recruit,
however as the expansion came to an end it didn't quite work out so
we took a break until WOD and are now back on the newly merged
jaedenar again! Our most notable achievement is world rank 120 on
Iron Qon and 178 on Durumu!
We have returned once again for WoD to raid at a high standard but
at a reasonable and manageable time. We pride ourselves on raiding
the top content but without the need to bang our heads against a
brick wall 5 days a week 5 hours a day!
Our raiding schedule during progress is as follows:
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, Monday 20:00-23:00
Optional days or extends may be discussed during raid times, and
they litteraly are optional! Don't feel pressured if you can't/
don't want to stay. These circumstances will likely occur if we are
extremely close to killing a boss and EVERYONE is game. We all have
real lives, jobs and family's and know that WOW is a hobby and must
come second, however we are all ex-hardcore players and still enjoy
the thrill and excitement of downing a boss for the first time!
If you are an exceptional raider but don't have the time for
hardcore raiding, enjoy a friendly and grown up raiding environment
then come join us! We have a very fun atmosphere during raids but
when the time comes to be quiet and focus we give it our all.
All classes are welcome to join. We are also accepting socials
wanting to join normal runs.
Normal mode (old flex) will feature personal loot
Heroic mode (old normal) will be epgp with master loot.
Mythic will be a mix of epgp but also loot council.
Please contact Deathruler, Tarakio, Lorewalker, Lemalas or Arzion
ingame if you want to join, or apply on our website.