Notable Achievements:
T12: US 6th/World 21st 25 man Heroic Ragnaros.
T14: US 3rd/World 28th 10 man Heroic Sha of Fear.
TG is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that has an extensive history.
TG Maintained server first and competed for top US/World kills
until Cataclysm where the guild called it quits during Dragon Soul.
Now TG is back and we are here to try our luck in Warlords of
As of now our raid times are Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday and
We may add a day such as Thursday or Friday if we are pushing
Our expectations of prospective applicants are simple: push
yourself, show a desire to improve and progress fast, and do
whatever you can to help us succeed. The guild's best interests
are what you should care about most. We do not accept wasting
time, settling for mediocrity or stroking your ego.
If you are interested in joining sign up on our forums and fill out
an application. Include a screenshot of your UI and a World of
Logs/Warcraft logs parse as well. If you have any questions message
Baleroc, Jayeckz, Liffychi or Wallhacks on Arthas, Horde side or on
the forums. We look forward to hearing from you!