We are a casual raiding guild. Our "casual" is defined by a relaxed
family-oriented guild and raiding environment where it is rare for
us to "call people out". But inversely we place a large amount of
responsibly on the individual raider.
We have no active raiding requirements for attendance, but those
who frequently show up and have a willingness to learn and
continually improve their play will find themselves raiding in the
progression team.
We currently have open recruitment for all tanks and healers, and
have an interest in dps with raid experience.
We are currently looking for late night raiders for 6.0.
Our raid times are 6:45-10:00 PM Server time on Terenas (MST). We
use fractional, capped DKP for 25mans which everyone likes and
prefers. With flex raiding we plan to utilize the "how many logged
in" method for raiding, and continue a progression team later in
the week. We gladly work with players if they want to increase
their skill, and have a large gbank and pethora of players who have
every profession in order to help you be successful.
While we are looking at poking Heroic modes, heroic modes are not
something we are going to spend hours and hours upon. We often
return to older raids and perform full clears to gear up new
raiders and trial players for progression purposes. We often clear
old expansion content for achievements, mounts, legendaries, etc,
as well. We are also interested in casual/arena PvP players to
expand our roster.
We are a fairly large guild founded on Jan 1, 2007 with 300+
accounts and 850+ toons. Very rarely are there less than at least 8
people online, and someone is always doing something.
If you are interested please read our website at
www.gladiusdedeus.com, where you can also fill out an application,
this is a formality for people who wish to raid, just so we can get
to know you a little better. Casuals or social gamers need to just
whisper an officer. If you need further information, you can
contact Vargen or Leibowitz in game, or ask for an officer.
Thank you.