RAID DAYS - FRI/SAT 7-11 server (progression raid)
Optional Thursday night run. This is for alts or people lacking the
gear to run with the progression raid.
About Us:
Super friendly guild doing well in raiding. A walking, talking
example that you don't have to be a raging jerk to be a quality
We are recruiting for our Heroic & Mythic level raid group.
Please feel free to join our guild site to see where we are
steering the guild and what we are looking to accomplish.
That being said, we will also be running a regular raid team in WoD
as well for those who want the raid experience without the
Always looking for fun players; no need to raid to be invited just
have a sense of humor and a willingness to throw yourself into
Contact Hellonurse in game if you have any general questions about
the guild (or ask any guildie if I am online on an alt, they will
send you to me).
Contact Junìe in game if you have specific questions in regards to