Russian-speaking guild on US PVP realm invites new players to join
its ranks.
Our guild has close to 50 members. We are looking for brothers and
sisters in arms, serious and casual players, those who want to
spend quality time in the game.
While, we're trying to progress through the game both PVP and PVE,
our main goal is a nice and friendly atmosphere and entertainment
in real and virtual worlds. We like the game, but remember that it
is a game and don't demand from our members more than they can
invest in it. Join us in our journey against the dark forces of
Azeroth. Horde will fail! For the light, for the Alliance!
Играете в варкрафт на американском сервере? Ищете русскоязычную,
развитую и дружелюбную комьюнити? Становитесь под наши знамёна! Вы
приобретёте много друзей со всех уголков нашей планеты с которыми
плечом к плечу побываете в захватывающих сражениях и невероятных
приключениях. Поле битвы - сервер Shadowmoon!