Guild: Martial Law
Server: US - Ghostlands
Faction: Horde
About us:
Martial Law is an adult-oriented guild based on the Ghostlands
server whose goal is to run a couple of comparable ten man teams.
We aim to be amongst the top ranked guilds on Ghostlands. You will
find that, while we take our raiding and general gaming seriously,
we are one of the most entertaining guilds you will ever have the
pleasure of being part of. Martial Law takes care of our guild
members and we are always willing to help eachother out!
We are currently recruiting to fill some holes in our core raid
teams so that we can clear normal and push heroic content.
Applicants must have:
-Good attendance
- ~520+ ilvl
-Knowledge of their class
-Be prepared for raid and knowledge of fights
Raid Days -
Team 1: Mon, Tues, Thurs 9pm-12am Server Time (CST)
Current needs
1 Holy Paladin (other healer classes may be considered)
1 Warlock or Hunter as a spare.
Team 3: Mon, Tues, Thurs 7pm-10pm Server Time (CST)
Current needs
DPS any, prefer Boomkin or DK.
Current progression
7/14 Regular SoO.
You may contact me at Odyn#1710 or any of our officers ingame
(Raid Leaders)
You may also fill out an app here to join!