Contingency is a guild that aims to get some good mythic
progression throughout WoD.
The guild contains a good mix of IRL friends, ingame-friends, old
guildies and some wild cards who all loves to top the charts they
want to top.
Our goal is to reach top 500 west by the end of WoD, and to do
that, we still need to fill up our roster aswell as strenghten it
further. And to achieve that, we want applications from the ones
who feel they should be in such a group of raiders.
The recruitment-scheme should give a pointer towards what we need
(high meaning we really want this class/specc, low meaning we
probably have someone in that role, but can still be added one
more), but as always will exceptional players be considered.
Currently progressing rather quick, as our core is about to set,
but we still need the last few cores who are really "mean" to the
* 1 dps who is comfortable with healing as OS (Shaman pref) *
* 1 Shaman (elemental or Enhance, pref opposite of first *
* We are also considering recruiting all exceptional applications
from classes/specs marked as low/medium above *
Current raid-days:
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday.
All 1900-2300 (subject to change).
GM: Sunsun (part of the old Immortailty on Terokkar)
Officers: Krisse, Zenx, ßlinkz and Mantis (all from that guild
We encourage you to take a look at our website, maybe read the
"about us" and submit an application, and you'll hear back from us
If any questions are urgent, please add Sunsuns btag for a chat
ingame. He's online most of the day, at least the nights.
(Sunsun = Sunsun1g#2257).
Looking forward to hear from you!