Mostly Harmless is a semi-hardcore, semi-casual, 100% progression
guild. We pride ourselves on being a fun, supportive group, that
encourages players to come in, have a good time, see and explore
new and interesting places, and then kill all of the indigenous
life to be found there.
While we pride ourselves on being able to have a good time, we are
also focused on exploring all that the game has to offer. While we
joke around, we do take raiding, and raiding well, seriously. Every
raider is expected to bring the effort and adaptation required to
improve during each and every attempt. We are known for doing
things 'differently,' and look for people that are adaptable, and
able to think on their feet. We stress the importance of guild
contribution, and expect every member to come fully prepared to
every fight with all necessary consumables, and knowledge of the
fight beforehand.
However, we also understand that this is a game, which is supposed
to be enjoyable for everyone. While we expect you to be prepared,
we are not going to belittle you, or denigrate you, and we expect
the same from all of our members.
In return, we hope to provide our members with an enjoyable,
supportive atmosphere, and a place to meet like-minded
If you are interested please visit us at or feel free to contact myself or
any of the officers in game.
We are looking for solid players to compliment our 25 man group and
if you think you will fit in nicely and know your class and spec
well and are not one of the listed needs, please fill out an
application anyway. We will review and accept any exceptional
players regardless of class or spec. Please remember to fill out
the Application completely, failure might result in an automatic
Thank you for your time.
-Taralas, of Mostly Harmless.