Whats in the boX is a Mythic raiding guild formed in
We have recently changed from 10 man heroic raiding which we had
focused since wotlk.
Over the years we believe we have established ourselves as the most
consistent raiding guild on Dragonblight having not missed a tier
of raiding since Ulduar and constantly achieving an heroic level of
Since we established back in 2009 we have been through many
changes, but the one thing we have always kept is our commitment to
the guild and those in it, we have never lost sight that it is our
members that make our guild, not one individual.
Past Progression has been (10 MAN):
Tier 8 - Ulduar 13/14
Tier 9 - Trial of Crusader 4/5 Hard Mode
Tier 10 - Icecrown Citadel 11/12 Heroic
Tier 11 - BoT/BwD/TotFW 7/13 Heroic
Tier 12 - Firelands 6/7 Heroic
Tier 13 - Dragonsoul 8/8 Heroic (25% Debuff)
Tier 14 - Mv/HoF/Toes 9/14 Heroic
Tier 15 - Throne of Thunder 10/13 Heroic
Tier 16 - Siege of Orgrimmar 14/14 Heroic -REALM FIRST-
Past Progression has been (20 MAN)
Tier 16 - Siege of Orgrimmar 14/14 Mythic
At present recruitment stands at:
20 Man Mythic Team
(3/7 Mythic Highmaul) - 1 x DPS Vacancy, all dps positions
considered. 1 x Healer Vacancy, Druid/Monk pref but considering all
Flexi Social Raid Team
We are recruiting members for our new 2nd raid team with a primary
focus of raiding heroic content only.
This team would be ideally suited to those players who cannot
commit to a mythic schedule but still want to be part of an active
raid team in a successful guild.
The guild has a number of non raiding players who very much enjoy
there online time.
Many of our members participate in a variety of activities not only
on wow but other games too.
We like to think we are a guild that can accommodate everyone, or
at least we try our best.
If you would like any information on us please pop along to our
website or contact Kesandri in game.
Guild Livestreams
www.twitch.tv/aritheu - Arith (Elemental Shaman)
www.twitch.tv/adrenalynzeu - Adrenalynz (Hunter)