LF a few more raiders to complete our Mythic Roster..
About the Guild:
Criminal formed a few years ago and the story is quite boring. The
part of our history that most people care about can be found here
on wowprogress.
As a 10 man guild we were quite successful and became stronger as
time went on. When Mythic raiding was announced we decided to
absorb multiple different pockets of players that we had
encountered and upsize for 20 mans. We cleared Siege during our
first week as a 25 man guild.
Multiple real life issues with different raiders forced us to abort
from what was a promising start to Siege of Orgrimmar.
After a nice break we came back with the same leadership, and with
many of the same members. In WOD, we aspire to return to, and
eventually surpass, previous incarnations of our guild in terms of
quality of raiding and enjoyment of the game.
We are a Mythic 20 man guild. A no BS guild. Go in kill bosses get
loot. We want raiders that want to be there and want to do top
end-game content.
- Extensive knowledge of your class mechanics and raid encounters.
You should know your own role and also that of your fellow raiders.
You should understand all aspects of an encounter
(tanking/healing/DPS) from an academic standpoint and from a
practical point of view.
- Maximizing your gear to be ready for raiding. While we understand
you may not have all the best in terms of actual items, we do
expect you to put forth the effort to have the best gems/enchants
to help bridge the gap.
- High attendance is critical, especially for learning new content.
While we understand real life precedence, you should strive for
100% attendance.
- Ventrillo and a working microphone are essential. Being able to
communicate verbally is absolutely required and exceptions will not
be tolerated.
- A good attitude towards raiding and other players. Members are
expected to bring 100% focus to raids every night.
- An ability to fit into the guild environment. If you do not get
along with the other members, chances are high that you will not
pass the membership vote. Humor in the guild can best be described
by as R rated.
If You Are Interested in Joining Criminal Apply at
or send a ingame message or mail to:
Lútey - mattlute#1954
Zyklón - abuse#1414
ßolts - twisted#1987