,¸¸.•º´¯`°•„¸ˆ’°•„¸ˆ’°•» Worg Riders of Orgrimmar
What Does WROO have to offer?
•We are a Long running guild with some of our members raiding
together since Early WotLK
•We are Relaxed and Friendly raiders who progress in a fun
•We offer no drama, Just fast Progression!
•We use little spot rotation, so there is no sitting around in
Shrine while everyone else is having fun!
What Does WROO aim to achieve?
•We aim to have fun progress at our own pace, Nobody here is
pointing out every wrong move you make as this is counter
What is WROO's roster like?
•Our Raiders are mainly Based in the UK, Poland and Nordic
•We don't have an Age requirement, (We are all roughly
•We operate two teams! Both progressing Heroic SoO!
What does WROO expect from you?
•A Good Attitude, No Drama queens
•Overall, Good attendance, as both teams operate small rosters, we
cannot afford our raiders to miss every other raid.
•Focus during raids, this maximises our progress
•Your raiding toon to be optimized with all farmable upgrades. This
includes having 3 bonus rolls every reset!
•To have a very good knowledge of your Main spec, we are willing to
help out if you are unfamiliar with your offspec.
•Be able to listen to ventrilo, a microphone is welcomed for
everyone, but only mandatory for tanks.
Guild Information
Team 1- Wednesdays, Thursdays, Mondays, 21:00-24:00 (Server
Team 2- Wednesdays, Sundays, Tuesdays, 20:00-23:00 (Server
Current Progress
Team 1- 11/14hc SoO
Team 2- 7/14hc SoO
Nadian- Guild Master - Nadian#2386
Darth- Officer (Team 1) - Lukeacton#2298
Azuken- Officer (Team 2) DanLambert#2275
If you are interested in joining, or learning more about our guild,
feel free to whisper or add on battle tag the people above. If
these people are not available all our memebers are willing to
answer questions, or direct you to an officer!
Thanks for Reading!