Quick Info
Raids Tues/Thurs/Mon 8-11pm EST
Targeting Mythic Content
Mature Atmosphere, Stable Group
Light Schedule - Focused, Fun Raiding!
Current Progression:
7/7N, 7/7H Highmaul
4/10N BRF
Class Needs: (Updated Jan 15th, 2015)
Heals: Holy Priest, Mistweaver
Melee: Monk, DK
Ranged: Boomkin, Hunter, Shadow Priest
*Talented players strongly encouraged to inquire regardless of
class needs!
Whisper any member, reply here or add me to RealID:
More Information
Six Inches Unbuffed is a guild primarily focused on clearing raid
content while it's current. Our short term goal is to man a raid
capable of clearing Heroic content. Our long term goal is to start
clearing Mythic content as a guild.
We strive to accomplish what we can in a nine hour raid week. We
champion guild chemistry over progression, but never at the expense
of it. On one hand, we simply want to enjoy the game, and the
content it has to offer. We want to do this on a lighter schedule,
with stable, mature people who are socially accessible. On the
other hand, we are interested in playing with people who understand
what it takes to achieve boss kills in today’s MMO climate.
This means we look for raiders who have a history of progression,
who show an understanding of their character and optimization, who
have computers and internet connections capable of large-format (20
to 30-person) raids and who have the ambition to succeed. We look
for players who are committed to preparing outside of raid time, as
we hold this in such high regard: we do not like our time wasted,
so we will not waste yours.
We do not have a restrictive age policy. The leadership is between
25-40 with deep experience in MMO's, we know what it takes to
achieve success, we welcome friends and family not only into the
guild but into our lower-difficulty raids as well.
If you have any questions please reach out to any member, thank