[Orion] is a dedicated group of skilled raiders preparing
for WoD, located on Emerald Dream, Orion is one of the finest
guilds to grace the server. We maintain an open environment, in
which we value our member's opinions to further aid our guilds
excellence. Currently we're recruiting for our second mythic team,
in which we need several healers and dps.
Apply here - http://orionemeralddream.enjin.com/recruitment
Facebook- www.facebook.com/groups/OrionED
Highmaul progress
7/7 Normal
7/7 Heroic
1/7 Mythic
Raid times for our Mythic group -
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday(Thursday is clean-up day) 6:45
server - 10 server [7:45 est-11 est]
If you have any questions or if you're interested please contact
our recruiter Kleostic#1276, for questions and a trial run with the
guild to qualify you. Kittyhotep#1573 or Iondark#1838
if they're unavailable :). *
We're excited to hear from you!