Omega Res Novae is recruiting for Warlords of Draenor
Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 10-12:30 am
We provide guild repairs, food and flasks for every raid.
Loot works on one item per boss with highest roll winning
prioritizing Main spec > Off spec > Disenchant.
We ask for 100% attendance.
We are a casual raiding guild meaning that we raid 3 nights a week
for 2.5 hours each night but when we do raid we take it seriously
and want to progress.
Currently we are 3/12H on SoO. We plan to raid Mythic in WoD and
are currently looking for anyone who is interested to join.
Please contact Êsuna, Oronous, Lifefire or Mogenar for more info
and/or guild invite.