About Us
All That Remàins is a semi-casual, 25 man raiding guild that has
been on Skullcrusher for over 5 years. We are recruiting players
who want to progress at a steady pace while maintaining a fun
and respectful raid environment. Our raiding atmosphere is very
relaxed and easy-going.
However, we do monitor for performance issues and will maximize our
group composition on progression content as necessary.
Our guild is largely comprised of members in their mid to late
twenties and beyond. We are a very tight knit group and have
attended the weddings of guild members, among other things. We also
host an annual, multi-day guild meet up. We consider ourselves to
be more of a community than a raiding guild.
Due to the average age of our members, we would prefer that
applicants be over the age of eighteen. (Historically younger
members have caused more problems then they have been worth.)
Raid Information, Progression and Loot System
Tuesday and Wednesday: 7:30PM – 11:00 PM EST
We use a custom EPGP system for loot distribution.
Flasks, food buff items and repairs are provided by the guild but
we still ask that every member comes prepared with their own
consumables just in case. Enchants and gems are also covered, mats
All members are expected to maintain at least 90% attendance. The
raid group reserves the right to maximize group composition based
upon player ability and desired roles.
To Apply
Please visit: www.atremains.com
If you have any questions prior to applying; please whisper Phobia,
Ftfk or Pikachu.
TL;DR: We're looking for mature, skilled players who want to
come home after a long day of work and experience challenging raid
content with some good friends!