"Omni" is currently recruiting all classes for end game raiding. We
are a newly formed guild with officers who have end game raiding
experience. We left the higher end raiding guilds because it became
too much about people getting loot, and less about people coming
together for a unified goal. Our goal is that everyone will be open
to learning, adapting, and excelling in this game we all spend so
much time playing.
Because we are so team focused, we would be testing any new recruit
out for about 2 weeks, we really want to make sure everyone works
together as a whole.
We believe that skill and desire to learn are more important than
current ilvl, but we are looking to start Blackrock as soon as
possible. If this sounds like something you might be interested in,
Please send Katoptris, Kyterr, or Xaikotik a tell.
Must be on Bloodhoof -OR- Duskwood server.
Raid Days are Tues/Thurs from 8:30-11:30pm EST.