Our Guild:
Reclamation is a semi-hardcore raiding guild with a focus on
progressive raiding. Current members are veteran raiders going back
to Classic. We provide a mature, and friendly atmosphere.
Ventrilo -
Communication during raid times for
obvious reasons.
Character Progress -
We want you to excel at your
character, show us that gear is a small part of the equation.
Maturity -
While most believe maturity is
associated with age, we understand there are exceptions. With that
said, the age of our members is 20+. If you believe you will fit
in, we will not bar you entry due to age.
Willingness -
Members have roles outside of raiding
as well, be willing to contribute.
Life -
Life happens, so does college, a job,
and family. If your life aggros, we understand and will
7/7 Normal
7/7 Heroic
1/7 Mythic
Blackrock Foundry:
6/10 Normal
1/10 Heroic
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 8:00PM -
11:00PM CST
In Game Contacts:
Xess - Xessty#1218
Junglemann - Evilcows#1694
Kov - Kovarian#1696
If you feel like you would be a good fit, please contact one of us
in game or use this thread. If you've got the stuff and are on a
different server, we'll get you transferred.