<Regicide> is an 5/7Mythic Highmaul 9/10HM Blackrock Horde
guild on Blackrock that is focusing on Mythic progression. Our goal
is to down bosses as fast as possible. We are a mature guild with
experienced raiders and officers who have raided together for
multiple years. We are interested in recruiting like minded
individuals who want to be apart of a guild for long-term
<Regicide> is currently recruiting:
Shadow Priests
Mages (any spec)
Feral/Boomkin/Resti Druid
WindWalker Monk
Retribution Paladin
Warlocks (Able to play all three specs)
Resto/Enhance Shaman
Backups - Will come in for fights that we need you and will come in
for farm.
Dedication - Trials must have 100% attendance for the first two
weeks. Once you reach raider you may miss one week a month of
raiding (or 3 days) if you need to. We currently raid
Tues/Wed/Thurs(Sometimes Mondays expected to be able to raid if
asked) 6-10 PST.
Attitude - We expect all of our trials and raiders to have a
positive attitude when it comes to progression. You should be
self-motivated and enthusiastic. We also expect that you have a
passion for progression as we would like to kill 1+ new boss a
week. It doesn't matter how good your are or how good you think you
are, if you do not fit within the raid group or you have an
atrocious attitude you will be removed or asked to sit out until
you make adjustments.
Awareness - Constantly avoid avoidable mechanics. Do not disengage
off boats.
Competitive DPS/HPS Obviously survival is more important than
dps/hps but we require trials and raiders to compete against one
another and achieve their maximum amount of dps/hps for their gear
and class.
What <Regicide> Can Offer You:
Stability - We offer a stable guild that will provide you with a
home all throughout the rest of WoD.
Support - The last thing we want is for our raiders to be worried
about their flasks or repairs on progression nights. During
progression all flasks, repairs, and food will be provided for by
the officers.
Fair Loot Distribution - We use an EPGP loot system to provide all
raiders with a fair chance at gear. Warforged, trinkets, and
weapons are all loot-counciled based on performance, attendance,
and betterment of the guild.
For more info:
Add Moo#1415 (Raid Leader Real ID)
Add Neon#1450 (GM Real ID)
Or our officers Arcemus#1446 Phuryum#1386
or apply here at http://regicideblackrock.enjin.com/