Caustic (3/7M HM 7/10H BRF) is recruiting for 20-man progression in
Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry!
Caustic is 20-man Mythic raiding guild on Area 52 (EST, high
population horde dominated server). Caustic formed between two
veteran guilds who were equally successful throughout Mists and
formed to succeed as a mythic guild in Warlords of Draenor. In our
first tier as Caustic, we achieved server #6 (US 172) for Heroic
Garrosh Hellscream and we are looking to get back to at least that
level. Most (if not all) of our raiders have consistently cleared
end game heroic content throughout every expansion as early as
Molten Core. Although we only raid 3 days a week, we are a fun
loving progression oriented guild. We are also extremely active
outside of raid times running old content, RBGs, alt runs, etc.
Current Progression:
3/7 Mythic Highmaul
7/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry
Raid Schedule:
* Tuesday 8:00pm - 11:30pm EST
* Wednesday 8:00pm - 11:30pm EST
* Thursday 8:00pm - 11:30pm EST
On very rare occasions, only when we are very close to a kill, we
may add extra days/hours.
Current Needs:
Monk - Mistweaver (High)
Druid - Restoration (Medium)
Druid - Balance (Medium)
Druid - Feral (Medium)
These are the classes we are currently actively searching for,
however, if you are amazing at your class and what you do, we'd
love to hear from you.
Potential Applicants:
We are looking for intelligent, mature, and active players who have
a desire to push content on a 3 day a week schedule. Applicants
should have an intimate knowledge of their class, including
offspecs and encounter specific approaches. A reliable computer,
stable internet connection, working microphone, 90% raid
attendance, and knowledge of boss mechanics are required. 670 ilvl,
2/7M HM and 5/10H BRF experience is also currently required.
Recruitment Officer
Megablood - SeaBirds14#1406
Cohesive - Cohesive#1646
Taldará - scottyj#1234
Bomblast - Zilimir#1615