Aggressive Napkin is a core guild that raids 3 times a week.
However; those three days are crucial and performance is expected
to be at it's peak. We expect all raiders to be prepared to raid
for a solid 3 hours, which means; put on the extended version of
Avatar for the kids, get yourself some food and be ready to down
bosses. This also means bringing your A-game to every raid. Our
core is comprised of members who have been in US top raiding guilds
(Gentlemens Club, Poor Play, Arathian Knights to name a few) and
are no strangers to fresh boss strategy composition and
What we expect from applicants:
This is a progression raiding guild, therefore: Each player has a
vital role. Every member needs to research boss fights on their
own, prior to raid. With fresh content coming out we expect members
to have a good understanding of a fight's mechanics before the raid
begins. We will NOT hold your hand, nor carry anyone through
Be open minded and able to take constructive criticism. We all have
different game experiences and would benefit from each other's
insight. This is a must, if you cannot take constructive (sometimes
harsh) criticism, AN probably isn't the place for you.
Have food, flasks, and pots according to your class ready before
raid invites. We have limited raid hours per week. All the allotted
time needs to be dedicated to the raid and not preparation. (During
progression, food/flasks will be provided by guild bank)
No attitudes: Leave drama to your personal life. We want a
fun and friendly environment to make raids enjoyable and
We are currently recruiting:
DeathKnight (DPS)
Holy Paladin
Our current raid schedule is as follows:
Tuesday 6:00-9:00 PST
Sunday 6:00-9:00 PST
Monday 6:00-9:00 PST