About Avidity
Avidity is a newly formed guild, created by various professional
gamers from a variety of titles with the purpose of raiding at the
highest level. We are a hardcore US World of Warcraft guild located
on Bleeding Hollow. Our focus is PvE raiding, and our ambition is
to be among the first in the world to kill new raid bosses. If you
are looking for a guild with a relaxed and positive raid
environment and a clearly defined schedule that still pushes new
content as quickly as possible, Avidity is the place for you.
What we offer.
- Avidity provides equal opportunities for both old and new
players, if you prove yourself to be better than the other already
existing members of your respective class then you will take their
spot regardless of how long they have been in the guild.
- Avidity was formed by a stable group of professional gamers that
are willing to work hard to make sure Avidity becomes and stays a
top progression guild.
Tiered Schedule
- Our raid schedule is demanding. But we don't expect our members
to keep this pace all expansion long. Our Tiered Schedule allows us
to be competitive during progression content, while still having a
reasonable schedule to prevent burnout .
What we expect from our raiders.
- We know our Progression Raid Schedule may be intimidating (Tues,
Wed, Thur, Sun 8PM - 12PM EST), but we ask that every member be
logged on and ready to play at the designated times. Once current
content is cleared we revert back to a relaxed schedule and prepare
for future content.
- Being active with your main and alts is important. You need to be
up to date with the latest information so you can perform to the
best of your ability.
- We expect a positive attitude towards raiding, especially when it
comes to progression raiding. You should be prepared to do
everything it takes to maximize your characters effectiveness.
- We use various tools to monitor and help improve our players
performance. If we ask you to improve in a area you may be lacking,
please don't take offense to it. We respect and admire each player
within Avidity and only have your best intentions in mind.
Communication - You will be required to use Teamspeak during raids
and should be able to write/speak and understand English to a
reasonable level.
Here is a link to our application: