About Sunfall
Sunfall is the oldest active raiding guild on the server, having
been established on the European launch day of World of Warcraft.
Sunfall has been raiding since Molten Core with increasing levels
of success, slowly evolving from a fully casual towards a more
dedicated raiding environment. The Sunfall community is mature,
fun-loving and friendly, with an active presence in a number of
different MMO games. We regularly hold real-life guild meets
annually at different locations all over Europe.
Sunfall runs 25-man raids as well as multiple 10man runs each week.
The normal raiding days (rotating) are Thursday, Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday from 20:30 to 00:00 CET.
About you
You are a mature person, dedicated to raiding but also wanting to
be an active participant in the Sunfall community. A sense of
humour, respect for your fellow guild members and a will to be a
part of the group are among your character traits.
You are knowledgeable about how your class works, fully capable of
carrying out your tasks in raids and eager to try new encounters
and new tactics. You enjoy putting in a lot of effort to progress
on new encounters. You are able to understand and make yourself
understood over comms, in English. You can commit to attending a
minimum of 75% of our scheduled progress raids, and continue to do
so for the foreseeable future.
Applications to join Sunfall should be posted on our recruitment
forum, which you can find at http://www.sunfall.eu/. Please read
the application requirements carefully to increase your chances of
being offered a trial.
If your application is accepted you will be offered a four-week
trial period, after which a decision will be made whether to offer
you a full membership or not.
If you have any questions you can contact Petite (in-game) or
Betelgeuse on forum).
Recruitment is currently open.