[H] Ascendance - Hardcore PvE 20 man - Draenor - EU
For more information please contact an officer either through the
webpage or in game. If you have a hard time getting in contact with
an officer then please contact any raider and they can put you in
contact with an officer through Skype or battle tag.
About the Guild
We made the step into serious raiding in tier 14 after being around
since Vanilla. Since then we have expanded on our success. We plan
on carrying on in the same manner in future tiers, we want to
improve as much as we can. We strive to be the best non-daytime
raiding guild.
Draenor is an incredibly busy server - with lots of active raiding
guilds. It is incredibly easy to pick up a group at any hour for
anything you need. With a popular server comes a great economy
General Information
Nationality: International (majority are from the UK or
Raiding Days: Monday to Sunday (less during farm)
Raiding Hours: 1945 - 0000 (GMT+1) during weekdays, +1 hour on
Friday and Saturday.
Loot Method: Loot Council
These are our actual raid times, we will never daytime
Our Raiders
We are passionate about the game. Our raiders are looking to push
the boundaries of their classes and achieve the maximum throughput
they can. We expect our raiders to do what is best for the guild
rather than personal glory; we achieve success by working
You must be able to attend every single progress raid. You must
also be able to keep up high attendance during farm. Farm can be
just as important as progress, we need to run multiple raids.
Furthermore with the addition of Mythic raiding our roster is going
to be smaller - we can not afford for people to be absent.
Being active with your main and alts is important. You need to be
up to date with the latest information so you can perform to the
best of your ability. It is important that you know how to play
your alts, they are raiding alts and are as important as your
We are an English speaking guild - if you aren't fluent in English
you won’t fit in. It’s not only important for us, but for yourself.
You won’t enjoy the atmosphere if you cannot understand what is
going on. Along side of being fluent - we do not tolerate any kind
of raging.
Tier 17:
- World 7, Imperator Mar'gok
- World 5, The Butcher
Tier 16:
- World 8, Garrosh Hellscream
- World 11, Paragons of the Klaxxi
- World 13, Siegecrafter Blackfuse
- World 8, Thok the Bloodthirsty
Tier 15:
- World 17, Ra-den
- World 16, Lei Shen
- World 15, Twin Consorts
- World 15, Dark Animus
- World 14, Durumu the Forgotten
Tier 14:
- World 19, Sha of Fear
- World 20, Grand Empress Shek'zeer
- World 20, Will of the Emperor