Hello everyone!
Moral Decay is an english speaking PvE guild and we’ve been on
Sunstrider since vanilla (the 6th of May 2005).
We're a hardcore guild, and strive to progress, but while
progressing we're also a fun and social bunch of people.
Many of our current members - including the officers - have been in
Moral Decay for a very long time, thus creating a stable guild.
For raids we use the fair EPGP system to distribute loot.
- 1x Resto Druid
- 1x Mistweaver Monk
- 1x Holy Paladin
- 1x Moonkin Druid
- 1x Mage
- 1x Warlock
- 1x Shadow Priest
- 2x Hunters
- 1x Rogue
- 1x DPS Warrior
That being said, we're always on the lookout for exceptional
applicants, regardless of current recruitment status. If you think
you match that description, feel free to make an application.
Raiding days
Wednesday 19.30 - 23.30
Thursday 19.30 - 23.30
Sunday 19.30 - 23.30
What do we expect from you?
- Extensive knowledge of your class and your role in raids (our
requirements to personal skill are pretty tough). This also means
reading up on the theoretical side of things.
- 80% raid attendance, meaning you can roughly miss 1 raid per 2
weeks at most.
- A working microphone.
- We don't have any set gear requirements set in stone, but proper
gear will always help.
- Always strive to improve as a player. This includes the ability
to accept critizism and suggestions.
In return you'll become a part of a friendly, fun and mature
We're not desperate and we have pretty steep requirements to any
potential applicant so please, put some time into your
Also it should be emphasized. No matter how good a player you are -
You will NOT be accepted if you are not also very mature, friendly,
polite and hard working.
We have a really nice gaming environment and it only takes one
person to destroy that, which is something we care a lot about
Please visit www.moral.dk to either post an application on our
forum, or if you prefer discretion, PM it to Ghost or Koelbox on
our forums.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to whisper
me or any of our officers ingame for a friendly chat where we'll be
happy to answer any questions you might have.
You can whisper the following people if you have any questions:
Cindey / Moonbloomz
Ghost / Cîpher
Thanks for reading and good luck should you decide to apply!