<Indestructible> is a 25-man, 3 night per week Alliance
raiding guild on Kel'Thuzad US-PVP comprised of fun and mature
people. We've been around for over four years and we're looking for
people who are serious about raid progression and have a sense of
humor. If you want to be a core raider in the most respected and
feared Alliance guild on a competitive, high-population server, we
have what you're looking for. We are consistently one of the top 20
guilds in the world that raid 3 nights a week.
We do not force our raiders to treat WoW as a full-time job. We
raid a comfortable 3 nights a week and cover all raiding expenses,
leaving plenty of time for our members to pursue outside interests.
When it comes raid time, we work hard and make good use of our
time. We spend less time wiping than the average progression guild.
We come to boss fights prepared, and we swiftly take down new
content on a consistent basis. If you join Indestructible, you will
be among the ranks of some of the most skilled players in the
region. All like-minded raiders, all working toward a common goal.
We operate as a well-oiled machine.
Past Progression:
Wrath: OS 3 Drakes (10/25)
Ulduar: Yogg +1/Algalon (25) / Yogg +0 (10)
ToGC: Tribute to Skill (25) / Tribute to Insanity (10)
ICC: 12/12 Heroic (10/25) / Alliance first Glory of the Icecrown
Raider (25)
Cataclysm: Tier 11: 13/13 Heroic -- Tier 12: 7/7 Heroic -- Tier 13:
8/8 Heroic (#70 US)
Mist of Pandaria: Tier 14: 16/16 Heroic (Cutting Edge) -- Tier 15:
13/13 Heroic (Cutting Edge)
World of Logs
We record logs of every boss pull, unfiltered. Our logs can always
be found here: http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/13721
We are always recruiting skilled and dedicated players. We
do not accept applicants for bench spots. You will have a fair
opportunity to show us what you have. Our trial period generally
lasts 2-4 weeks, depending on performance. During this period, we
evaluate trial raiders based on their attitude, attendance, skill
level, situational awareness, and cohesiveness with the guild as a
Raid Schedule
Monday 7:00 - 11:00
Tuesday 7:00 - 11:00
Wednesday 7:00 - 11:00
All times are MST (server time). Raid invites start at 6:30 PM.
Trash pulls generally begin shortly after.
You can find a bit more about us here:
Loot System
We use Loot Council to distribute loot. Factors at play in loot
decisions include but are not limited to raid performance,
attendance, previous loot received and significance of upgrade.
Raiding here is free!
We provide our raiders with all consumables (flasks, feasts,
potions, enchants, gems, etc) free of charge, as well as free guild
repairs. In addition, crafted epic BOE gear is crafted for
consistent and dedicated raiders, free of charge.
1. 18+ years old.
2. Mumble & working mic.
3. Extensive raiding experience, high skill level, extensive
knowledge of raiding and class mechanics, high raid awareness.
4. Able to maintain a minimum of 90% raid attendance.
5. Research every boss fight BEFORE stepping foot into it. Boss
strategies will be posted in our member forums.
6. We expect you to be a member of our guild, not just someone who
shows up for raids 12 hours a week and disappears the next 4 days.
We don't expect you to spend all of your time on WoW. That's not
what we are about. However, checking the guild website regularly is
required, and we would prefer you make an effort to get to know
your fellow guildies. The closer we are with each other, the better
team we will be.
7. The desire to be the best.
How to Apply:
- Go to www.weareindestructible.com
- Click "Apply to guild" in the top right hand corner (right above
recruitment box)
- Provide us with a detailed application, and do not leave any
fields blank. Any application without raid logs will be
immediately discarded.
- All applications are private! Nobody from your old/current guild
will be able to see it.
For Additional Information
if you want to talk to someone before applying/any questions
Add on battletag or send an in-game mail
Healing - Matheney (Matheney#1544)
DPS - Asmongold (Asmongold#1214)
Tank - Infallible
No package deals sry!