Raid Times:
9:15 to 12:15pm CST, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
Warcraft Logs:
About Us:
Durus Veritas is a competitive guild that consists of deaf, hard of
hearing, and hearing players. We focus on Ventless raiding as the
majority of the raid team is deaf or hard of hearing, we use a
mixture of addons and macros to communicate clearly during raids.
We were 13/14H in SoO pre-nerf, and we are looking to surpass that
success this tier. To do that, we have put together a roster of
long-time raiders mixed with fresh blood, and are looking to
finetune it further with recruitment.
We handle loot with a DKP system, and also use diminishing returns
to give a wider range of our players more chances at loot every
night. We reward DKP for attendance, from start to finish and also
for boss kills. We penalize players' DKP if they are late, and even
more if they did not notify us in advance.
We're looking for a fifth healer with skill equal to our four
healers to flesh out our healing team on the roster in preparation
for Mythic progression; a shaman or priest is preferred, although
we will consider any spec/class if they are exceptional.
We also have a casual team that raids on Saturdays/Sundays, from
3:00 to 6:00PM. They are open to anyone who is interested, and we
also welcome PVPers who wishes to participate in a RBG group that
consistently plays a couple games everyday.
Our criteria for our main raid is: you must have an ilvl of 640, a
computer/connection good enough to run WoW without lag, ability to
communicate effectively via raid chat, a complete knowledge of the
class you are applying with, must have DBM installed along with
class-appropriate addons, and the ability to bring your own
To get a personal look in how we work, here is an interview that we
did with WoW Insider during our Throne of Thunder progression:
Contact Information:
If you are interested, please get in touch with me via Battletag:
audist#1115, or whisper one of the officers in-game on Nerzhul and
its realm group.