Guild Created: 11-23-2004 (10 Years!)
<Ruined> is a 20 man Mythic raiding guild on
Proudmoore US (Alliance). We have existed on Proudmoore since day
one and achieved World First Onyxia 40 man along with numerous
realm firsts over the years. After clearing SoO both on 10 Heroic
and 25 man Heroic, we made the change to 20 man Mythic to prepare
for WoD.
Now that WoD has been released, we are eagerly looking forward to
all the content Blizzard has to throw at us. Our main goal this
expansion is to not only clear content, but clear it at a
competitive pace - and we're always looking at recruiting the best
of the best players to compliment our raids.
Think you've got what it takes? Apply today!
Warlords of Draenor:
Highmaul: 7/7 Heroic (Realm 5th), 6/7 Mythic (Realm 3rd)
Mists of Pandaria:
Terrace of Endless Spring: 4/4 Normal
Heart of Fear: 4/6 Heroic
Mogu'shan Vaults: 6/6 Heroic
Throne of Thunder: 11/13 Heroic
Siege of Orgrimmar: 14/14 Heroic
BWD/BoT/ToFW: 13/13 Heroic
Firelands: 7/7 Heroic
Dragon Soul: 8/8 Heroic (15%)
Raid Schedule:
Tues, Wed, Thurs and Sun 6:30-9:30 PM PST
Visit for current list:
Mage - High
Priest - Medium
Warlock - Medium
Druid (with Resto OS) - Medium
Apply at
Lilångel (lilangel#1803)
Sparklefever (kangarooster#1241)
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