Haven is recruiting!! We are looking for experienced and new
players alike!
Haven is a raiding and social guild in Azjol-Nerub(eu) that was
formed during vanilla and is still active! A lot of our members
have been playing the game since vanilla and are highly
experienced. We are also characterized by a friendly environment,
and helpful members. Most of our members have been together for
years, so you can expect a family-like community. We offer a
relaxed raiding environment, we raid 3 times a week: tuesday,
thursday and sunday,and we aim at clearing the current content no
matter how long it takes.
We are now recruiting new exciting players for our raiding team to
continue our progression through the current content. We will
accept new and experienced players alike, as long as the player
show's enthusiasm, willing and a belief in our casual ethic.
Players we are currently looking for:
We are mainly interested in friendly players that are dedicated to
having a laugh while trying their best to improve. The item level
requirements are minimal and if you are very low then we will try
our best to help you up (however we hope that if this is the case
you will also make your best effort to improve). If you feel that
you could fit into this and be ready for the long haul then let us
know :)
The main roles we are interested in at the moment are ranged damage
dealers, however melee damage dealers are nice and if you are a
tank then you will probably be ok as well. Healers that really want
to join us are welcome however you may find you have a lot of
company. Raiders are expected to attend at least once a week. We
are a casual guild and as such can tolerate mistakes as long as you
learn from them and act on that learning. If you are struggling
with something we will always try to help you out with the best
advice we can offer.
How to join
If you wish to join,or want more information,you can find us on the
guild finder, or simply whisper the guild master or officers:
Bluejayne (guild master), Aadjed, Ohaiyo, Calie (Cecia) and
Or you can ask any of our members, and they will gladly point you
to the right direction.
You can also follow guild here at wowprogress.
Feel free to add me as a real ID if you want chat, my battle tag
There is currently no age limit for our players, but raid chat can
be rather crude (in a silly way), and our raids go on until 23:00
game time, so if you feel you can fit into our guild, you can sign