Formerly known as Solfire Tribe, Crux is a Mythic progression
raiding guild on Zul'jin. We are an established guild that has been
raiding since Burning Crusade, and we strive to maintain a solid
group of raiders who wish to progress together through Warlords of
Draenor and beyond. Many of us have been playing together for years
and we have a real passion for pushing ourselves to succeed. We
want players who have a strong understanding of their class and who
are ready to put in the work to clear new content. Applicants
should have experience in the current raiding tier. We expect as
close to 100% attendance as possible.
Mythic WoD Progression:
Highmaul: 2/7 Mythic 7/7 Heroic
10-man MoP Progression:
Siege of Orgrimmar: 14/14 Heroic 14/14 Normal
Throne of Thunder: 13/13 Heroic 12/12 Normal
Mogu'shan Vaults: 6/6 Heroic 6/6 Normal
Heart of Fear: 6/6 Normal
Terrace of the Endless Spring: 4/4 Normal
10-man Cataclysm Progression:
Dragon Soul: 8/8 Normal 8/8 Heroic
Firelands: 7/7 Normal 7/7 Heroic
Blackwing Descent: 6/6 Normal 6/6 Heroic
Bastion of Twilight: 4/4 Normal 5/5 Heroic
Throne of the Four Winds: 2/2 Normal 2/2 Heroic
25-man WotLK Progression:
Ulduar: 9/9 HM
Trial of the Grand Crusader: 4/5 HM
Icecrown Citadel: 11/12 HM
Raid Times (EST):
Mon: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Tues: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Thurs: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Invites go out at 8:50 PM server time (EST); we start pulling at
If you do not see your class or spec listed as a current need for
our raid group, please don't hesitate to still apply- we will also
consider any exceptional applications.
If you are interested in joining Crux, or you just want more
information about the guild, please visit our website:
Additionally, you may contact any of our guild officers
Guild Lead: Jerrec
Officers: Vhakra, Razgrîz, Mewlfurion, Insaneyoshi,