Recruitment updated for Blackrock Foundry Mythic
progression. @ quakenet
Envy was formed 18.11.2009, as the result of a merge of players
that wanted to raid at the highest level. We are a hardcore
European World of Warcraft guild located on Kazzak. Our focus is
PvE raiding, and our ambition is to be the first in the world to
kill new raid bosses. We have a multi-national roster and
PvE achievments:
Tier 17:
- World 6th - Imperator Mar'gok
Tier 16:
- World 4th - Garrosh Hellscream
- World 4th - Paragons of the Klaxxi
Tier 15:
- World 4th - Lei Shen (H)
- World 4th - Twin Consorts (H)
- World 4th - Iron Qon (H)
- World 4th - Dark Animus (H)
Tier 14
- World 2nd - Will of the Emperor (H)
Tier 13
- World 10th - Madness of Deathwing (H)
- World 12th - Spine of Deathwing (H)
Tier 12
- World 3rd - Ragnaros (H)
Tier 11
- World 9th - Al'Akir (H)
Obsidian Sanctum
- World 19th - Halion (H)
Tier 10
- World 15th - The Lich King (H)
- World 19th - Sindragosa (H)
Tier 8
- World 15th - The Descent into Madness (H)
- World 19th - The Keepers of Ulduar (H)
- World 8th - The Siege of Ulduar (H)
Envy is always looking for exceptional players of all classes and
specs to reinforce our roster. We expect and demand the very best
from all our players. Before you apply make sure you have great
understanding of the class you will be playing, that you are up to
date with the current theorycrafting and can fully answer any
questions we have regarding the choices you have made with your
character. Make sure you have the dedication, and motivation to
keep pushing it, and that you are able to put in extra time during
progress and PTR! It's also very good if you are comfortable
playing an alt at a competitive level, as we like to have many
options when building the raid during progress.
Sometimes farm-raids can go past midnight, but a typical raid
during farm-mode is starting at 1900 and ending at midnight. During
progress, and PTR, the time for raids will greatly increase. We go
on every PTR boss that is available, both on EU and US realms,
meaning PTR is usually the most hectic to schedule, sometimes the
raids are at 0400, sometimes at 1900, and everyone is expected to
participate. When a new instance is released you can expect several
days of 12h+ raiding, for as long as we need to, and are able to as
a team. If you for some reason have a problem with comitting time,
we are not interested in your application.
Your ego should not be a problem. With a large roster, players will
be put on the bench. Some classes are not good for an encounter, so
you probably already have a fully geared alt character which can
fulfill the requirements of the boss, or you will sit on the bench.
If you are benched for a raid, or a boss, you are expected to be
reachable during the raid, on vent, or via your phone, and able to
play within a few minutes.
As a community we are naturally competitive, this means you need to
be socially capable and respond well to pressure of all kinds.
While we do not endorse abusibe behaviour, all raiders should be
mature enough to be able to take some teasing and heat when
situations arise. Raid spots are earned, not given. If you think
you have what it takes, in return you can expect to become part of
a guild which love hardcore raiding, a strong community of
like-minded individuals all working toward the same goal. A mature
community which values your life outside of WoW and will respect it
as you respect us. A guild which, because of our dedication,
quickly moves progress into farm, rendering our players much spare
time between content-releases.
You can contact officers ingame for more info about recruitment or
any other questions you might have. (Byu/Dex/Duskbringer)