< Fist of Aman Thul > is a raiding guild on Earthen
Ring-US comprised of high skilled, laid back raiders. We are mostly
close friends who have been playing together since Vanilla, and are
looking to raid again in Warlords of Draenor. We offer a great
social environment which is unique to very few guilds. We have a
great time with each other in and out of raids. We know when it is
time to work and time to play.
Our members are mostly college/university students (23+) looking to
have some fun and clear new content. Most of our raiders are
ex-members of various top Earthen Ring guilds in their prime such
as The Legionnaires, Tempora Heroica, Riddle of Steel, Shadow
Remains and The Old Guard. Some of us are also gladiators/high
skilled pvpers.
Our Current Open Spots:
Ranged DPS
Balance Druid x2
Mage x1
Warlock x1
Shadow Priest x1
Melee DPS
Windwalker Monk x1
Enhance Shaman x1
Combat/Subtlety Rogue x1
Feral Druid x1
Disc Priest x1
Resto Druid x2
We are still open to all exceptional applicants even
though your class is not listed.
Our progression raid schedule is currently Tuesday and Thursday,
with an optional Sunday raid. We start invites at 8:00PM and end
the night at 11:30PM EST.
What We Expect:
You have done what you can to min/max your character.
You are confident in your abilities to play your class, and can
take constructive criticism.
You are aware of and can move from hazardous encounter mechanics,
with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future
tiers with.
You have a working mic and Ventrilo.
Contact Doomtrain, Thingil, Theodorio or Tortles in-game for any
Please visit our website for more info and to apply: