This is a Brotherhood of Steel broadcast message.
<Brotherhood of Steel> is always on the look out for the
world’s best and wisest leaders, and coolest and friendliest
players, applications of any class will be considered.
Raiding requirements
The Brotherhood of Steel gives you the opportunity to be among
friendly smart people to raid and participate in, and down new raid
boss encounters. We provides equal opportunities for both old and
new players.
During progress our raiding schedule is demanding and it is
important you understand this. Our progress raids - that you will
be expected to attend - can start very early in the day and end
late at night. You must be prepared to sacrifice any real life
activities in order to ensure attendance.
Once current content is cleared we revert back to a relaxed 1900CET
raid start.
World of Warcraft is a team game and communication during a raid
encounter is often very important. You will be required to use
Teamspeak during raids and should be able to write/speak and
understand English to a reasonable level.
Level of dedication
You must possess a positive attitude towards raiding, especially
when it comes to progress raiding. You should be prepared to do
everything it takes to maximise your characters effectiveness on
the encounter(s). During progress raids you need to be fully awake
and focused - trying to understand and offer feedback in regards to
the encounter via ventrilo, in-game, or on the forums. You must be
mature and able to handle any criticism directed your way.
Casual play
The guild promotes casual play, and friendly honourable behaviour.
We like to have fun, venture and help each other. Casual players
are not expected to raid but can participate if they show