<Halcyon Chapter> is a late night Singapore-Based raiding
We are currently trying to build our roster to transition into the
20man mythic raid when WoD becomes available. Our plan is to run a
22-24man roster in the future.
Our current progression: 14/14 H SoO 10man
Current Scheduled raids are (GMT +8):
Wed - Sat: 9.30pm - 12.30am (Possible extension of raid on Fri/Sat
during progression)
Sunday: Possible raid day during progression
Our raid days are actually flexible and dependent on the
availability of our raiders.
We are looking for skilled and dedicated players who can commit to
our raid schedule, competent of their class, know fights and
mechanics and have fun while we clear the content.
You should be approximately 570ilvl with your cloak and at least
8/14 heroic experience.
If you think we're the guild for you feel free to add us on B-tag -
Justhealit (Burden#1685) or Karangi (Karangi#1156) or Icekoh and
contact us for more information. :D
Have fun in the World of Warcraft!