Stay Frosty is recruiting for Mythic raiding!
Raid times: Wed/Fri 6-9pm
Openings: Mage, Holy pally, Monk, DK
Note that you should also be able to play an offspec well enough to
be a decent contributor to raid.
If you play a class other than what's listed, but you're interested
in joining anyway, get in touch with me and we can chat.
What do we have to offer?
- Good progression - normal and heroic cleared
- Experienced raiders from previous expansions, plus newer skilled
- Repairs whenever we have gold in the gbank
- Free-ish flasks, feasts, and potions (we ask that members
contribute mats as they can to the gbank, to make it easier for
- Members are mostly adults who are working professionals. We also
have many irl couples, and we understand if you have to leave to
take care of your kids, or are late because of work.
Whisper any guild member to be directed to an officer, or send
Maateline-Duskwood an in-game mail for more info, or apply on the
website at