*If you don't see your class listed, we are always looking for
capable players so please put an application in on our website.
Agents of Doom is one of the oldest guilds on Kilrogg
server. With its starts in vanilla WoW, Agents of Doom has
progressed through Burning Crusades, Wrath of the Lich King,
Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and now Warlords of Dreanor. Agents of
Doom is a laid back group of people that take raiding seriously. We
are always recruiting regular raiders for our raiding team.
We are currently 6/7 in Highmaul(N) and 1/7 in Highmaul (H) and are
looking for 6 ranged dps. Raid nights are Tuesday and Wednesday
from 6 pm to 9 pm server.
If you would like to check us out or to apply, go to our website
and contact us on forums or you can log in and talk to one of the
following officers: Lilbessy, Haddice, Grothmaul or Locoz.