Who are Echoes?
Echoes has been clearing the game's content at a steady rate since
Vanilla. We reside on the Horde side of Laughing Skull where a very
strong community of excellent players has always been scattered,
often throughout various guilds, but have now all been united under
Echoes. We went very strongly in Cataclysm: clearing all of the
content on each tier and consistently securing a strong position in
the top 100. This tradition has been continued in Mists, putting us
at rank 83 in Tier 14, Rank 31 in Tier 15 and Rank 45 in Tier
Recently, we have been merged with the EU Balnazzar, EU
Boulderfist, EU Chromaggus, EU Daggerspine, EU Shattered Halls, EU
Talnivarr, EU Trollbane Realm-Cluster, making Laughing Skull once
again a fairly active realm with literally ten times as many people
We like to emphasize that we actually are a 5 day guild. Unlike a
lot of guilds at our rank; we do NOT raid at midday when a new
patch goes live for progress. We will NOT raid until midnight to
get a kill, we extend VERY rarely for a maximum of 60 minutes if we
are exceptionally close to a kill (~once a tier).
What are we currently looking for?
We are currently accepting ANY exceptional applicants to the guild
with particular emphasis on the following classes to strengthen our
roster for Warlords of Draenor:
Nothing in particular - roster is big and healthy, but if you feel
that you'll do better than our current raiders, feel free to drop
an app.
Needless to say, if you want a spot during progress, you will have
to be able to compete with our current raiders - both in terms of
performance and output. Please take a minute to check our logs to
see if you would be competitive - everything we raid is public.
What can Echoes offer me?
-A stable raiding environment in which you can play both
competitively and enjoyably in 20 man raid content
-Progress at a steady, constant, and high end rate
-A home and community which you are encouraged to be a part of both
outside and inside of raids
-Banter during farm raids that never makes a raid boring and
guarantee's a laugh
-All of the above factors to last you throughout Warlods of Draenor
and beyond
Why Echoes?
-Raidspots are awarded based on performance (and of course,
attendance) so you will be playing amongst others who have earned
and continue to earn their place in competition with the world
-We take pride in our stability as a guild and as a community, very
much including outside of raids
-We organise and encourage alt raids and old content vanity
achievements (Elegon runs/ICC/ToT weekly farm, etc.) for those
interested - including a RBG team on the raid days when progress is
over (multiple high warlords/heroes of the horde through
Hmm, I'm not sure, when do you guys raid?
We consider our raids to be of high quality, and as such we raid
only 18 hours/week, which is much less than 90% of other high-end
guilds so we would like to emphasize that if you cannot be sure to
almost always make the following times, we are probably not the
guild for you:
Wednesday: 19:00 - 23:00 (Do distinguish this from the rest)
Thursday: 19:30 - 23:00
Sunday: 19:30 - 23:00
Monday: 19:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 19:30 - 23:00
Do note that invites start 15 minutes before the above time. That
means we have a 15 minute gathering up time before the first pull
to sort out the raid, allow for people logging on late, etc. We
encourage people to be outside the instance prior to invites so as
to be mentally prepared for the mindset of raiding - going straight
from Orgrimmar to the instance doesn't usually result in a very
focused raid.
Sounds good, so where and how do I sign up?
Please head to www.echoes-guild.eu and feel free to
browse at your leisure. Our application process is detailed on our
website in the recruitment section should you find yourself
interested. If you consider yourself exceptional and feel you
can challenge our current raiders, then do not let our class-based
recruitment hinder you, we welcome the opportunity to integrate
top-quality players into our roster. Gear and logs are
typically not an issue - the transfer fee is your money: if you
think you can prove yourself in a trial we will usually give you
one. However, do note that during progression we will not be
farming old content (or any content) to gear you up - if you apply
during progression you will need to have sufficient gear to dive
into new content and logs to back up your performance. After months
of farming and fine-tuning, we typically have a very strong roster,
so unless you can outperform our current raiders on
progress, your application will probably not go through.
If you have any questions or queries or would like more info,
please do not hesitate to contact any officer in-game or via a PM
on our website - whatever works for you.
See you soon, and hopefully in Echoes!
Follow Echoes on:
Logs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/1150
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Eddytheone2006
Twitter: https://twitter.com/echoesguild
Website: http://www.echoes-guild.eu