Open recruiting for Warlords of Draenor!
About Us:
Resurgence is a late night Alliance community on Kilrogg (PST
server, LA data center) with a focus on conquering all the latest
mythic content in a timely manner. Resurgence was founded by a
group of core raiders in late TBC that had successfully cleared
M'uru pre-3.0 in Sunwell Plateau.
At the end of the Mists of Pandaria expansion we merged with Mostly
Dead from Draenor and together we will conquer Mythic raids in
Warlords of Draenor and beyond.
Our guild is composed of working adults with schedules that only
permit us to raid during the late evening. We use the weekend to
spend time with our families. Our typical age is 25 and over and
please be aware that no applicants under the age of 18 will be
considered (sorry!)
Raid Schedule (all times PST):
* Tuesday: 9:00pm - 12:00am
* Wednesday: 9:00pm - 12:00am
* Thursday: 9:00pm - 12:00am
Current Needs:
We are currently recruiting for the upcoming expansion Warlords of
Draenor and Mythic Raiding (20 Mans). PTR game-play is a plus!
Experience learning new encounters fast and quick leveling are
preferred. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Usual disclaimers about not standing in fire and knowing your class
apply as well.
See table above for specific class needs.
We will always consider exceptional players of any
What We Offer:
All flasks, potions, and feasts will be provided by the guild.
Guild repairs are turned on during progression raiding and are
currently still on for all raiders. In addition, we have a large
friends and family group and alt raids and Challenge Modes
available on weekends.
About You:
We are looking for players that take raiding seriously, are team
oriented and have the ability to follow directions. We expect our
raiders to do their own research on fights and discuss them when
In most cases we prefer west coast players as our raid times will
very likely burn out people in other time zones. We are generally
an older and mature guild. A good proportion of the guild has some
Asian background and our Ventrilo reflects that.
Our trial raiders typically go through a trial period ranging from
2-4 weeks. During that time we evaluate your raid etiquette, how
you play your class and your overall fit in the guild. That also
gives you the time to see if the guild is a good fit for you.
During the trial period you are expected to make over 85% of raids
- the more that you can attend the better.
If Resurgence sounds like a guild you wish to join, feel free to
apply with any of the officers. Private applications may also be
sent to Tawneestone via PM at battletag TawneeStone#1565 or to
If you have any questions feel free to contact Tawneestone
* Please note we often play alts; feel free to send a tell to
someone inside the guild to ask if an officer is online OR
add me via battletag.