H-<Fatal Union> on US-Kargath is looking for a few
exceptional players to add to our raiding roster to build on our
success of being a top 15 US raiding guild.
Raid Times are : 9:pm - 12:30AMEST, Mondays-Wednesdays-Thursday.
With the Option to extend the raid night an hour if we are close to
accomplishing something important (new boss kill etc.) or adding a
night if the group votes to push.
Loot Distribution: We use loot council to put loot where it needs
to be to push the raid forward the fastest. Primary considerations
are attendance and performance.
Excellence is expected of our members, regardless of rank. Raiders
are expected maintain attendance, and participate actively and at a
high level every raid. The same standards apply to all raiding
members of FU. Nobody is exempt from these standards and subpar
performers will be replaced regardless of history.
FU, since Vanilla WoW, has always been one of the most successful
guilds on Kargath -- always pushing the current tier of progression
and achieving top rated arena and battleground teams. Our core of
players are the best on the server (PvE/PvP), we push one another
to excel, and we are fervently dedicated to our members.
Post an app -- www.fatal-union.net
Or reach out to Watch, Bonesjackson, Darot, Venginse, or Danny in
Watch - mute#1941
Darot - marshallx#1436