[H] Mal'Ganis (PvP-CST)
New York Datacenter
Raid Schedule:
•Monday - 7:30PM - 11:30PM EST
•Tuesday - 7:30PM - 11:30PM EST
•Thursday - 7:30PM - 11:30PM EST
Current Recruitment Needs:
• Mage (HIGH)
• Rogue (HIGH)
• Holy Paladin (HIGH)
• Restoration Druid (HIGH)
• Restoration Shaman (MEDIUM)
• Discipline / Holy Priest (MEDIUM)
• Any EXCEPTIONAL player
We are a brand new progression oriented guild that is looking to
push hard right into the new Blackrock Foundry instance! We are a
group of raiders from various guilds that decided to come to our
new home (Mal'Ganis) and start something fresh. Our raiders come
from various top end guilds such as <Promethean> /
<Victory or Whatever> / <Mythic> and <Aftermath>.
As of now, our guilds progression is non existant but a majority of
our players are 6/7M with 150+ attempts put into Mar'gok and a few
of our players are 7/7M.
<Triggered> is now recruiting for 20man Mythic Blackrock
Foundry! We're forming from like minded individuals wishing to push
progression on a tight 12 hour schedule. We value the feedback of
our raiding core and expect you to give it when we ask for it. We
have a fun raiding atmosphere, but you should be able to take
constructive criticism and look to improve and learn from your
mistakes as quickly as possible. Repeated deaths to mechanics is
Our raids are usually fast-paced and usually have as little
downtime as possible. We try to do as much as possible in our 3 day
raiding schedule. We aim to keep a structured raid environment
while still enjoying the fun aspects of the game.
We will not be doing any mandatory activities outside of our
scheduled raid hours (split raiding / beta testing), but our
raiders tend to do things outside of the raid hours on their own
and there will almost always be something for you to do in our
guild! Most of us do enjoy raiding on our alts, so there are
various raids for them if you are interested in that. We also have
a lot of raiders that enjoy playing other games together outside of
raiding such as League of Legends & CS:GO.
If you feel that you would be a good fit for our roster, please
apply on www.triggered.us/ or feel free to contact one of our
officers on battle.net if you have any questions.
(Atroxe) Atroxe#1299 - GM
(Caides) Caides#1849. - Officer
[Please say that you are looking for information about Triggered in
your note as you add us!]