Dark Intent originated on Azjol-Nerub before moving to Draenor in
2012. We took a short break during early Throne of Thunder with
some members actively raiding in other guilds. Halfway through ToT
some original members decided to reform Dark Intent with some fresh
blood and quickly cleared 12/13HC in the dying weeks of 5.3. In 5.4
we really kicked into gear and quickly progressed through most of
SoO HC with a small lull in progress after Christmas due to roster
issues. We managed to kill Siegecrafter despite the roster problems
and eventually built a solid team to finish up Tier 16 achieving
9th on the realm 10m.
What we expect from our raiders
Our main focus is always end game content and to that extent we
expect all raiders to share the same philosophy. We have a short
raid schedule of three four hour days and for that reason we expect
full focus during raid times and quick wipe recovery. That being
said we all enjoy a lot of banter and have an "anything goes"
policy when it comes to jokes etc so if you're easily offended or
of a nervous disposition you may want to reconsider applying!
All raiders must have a deep knowledge of their chosen spec (and
off-spec) and be willing to switch spec when asked.
Flasks, pots, food, and fully gemmed/enchanted gear are expected in
all Mythic guilds and Dark Intent is no different.
Most importantly we want to you to enjoy your time in the raid as
if you're not having fun you're not playing to the best of your
Raid Times
We currently raid:
Wednesday 7:30-11:30
Thursday 7:30-11:30
Sunday 7:30-11:30
We MAY add another night for progress if we're close to a kill. We
will not hold it against you if you aren't able or willing to raid
an extra day.
Loot Rules
Loot is currently distributed by a mixture of need/greed and loot
council and ultimately we expect people to be sensible and discuss
things between themselves as much as possible.
Loot priority is Guild Master > Guild Master's girlfriend >
Raider > Trial > Raider alt > Social (Just kidding)
Voice Communication
We use Teamspeak3 and expect everyone to have a working microphone
and to be vocal both inside and outside of raids. Teamspeak details
are listed in Guild Info.
Time outside of raids
During downtime all players are free to do as they wish. The guild
regularly do alt runs, challenge modes and flex runs for laughs and
everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in.