Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 7-11 EST: Mythic
Wednesday 7-11 EST: Heroic
Thursday 7-11 EST: Mythic
Faction: Horde
Server: US-Zuluhed (PvP) (connected to Andorhol, Scilla, &
Timezone: While the server group's timezone is PST, most of our
members live in EST states.
Population: Level 100 population is currently 55% horde according
Who we are:
Exodus's roots stretch back to Vanilla when it was a hard core,
seven nights a week raiding guild. As its members' lives changed,
Exodus evolved to be more tolerant of the demands of real life on
working adults. While our raid schedule shrank, our fervor for
killing gods and dragons did not. Many of our members have
leadership experience in end-game raiding content, including Naxx
40, Sunwell, ICC, & SoO.
We're looking for raiders who:
Have reliable attendance and consistent performance.
Actively try to improve themselves and are willing to
constructively help others do the same.
Maximize their character's effectiveness by consulting the vast
collection of knowledge available outside of the game.
Understand that gear is a means to an end, and serves only as a
supplement to attitude, dedication, knowledge, and experience.
Full EPGP via the EPGP (dkp reloaded) & EPGP Lootmaster
The server:
Zuluhed was a lower population realm, but since it connected with
Andorhol, Scilla, and Ursin, the population is quite healthy. It's
no Blackrock, Arthas, or Mal'Ganis, but there's plenty of activity
in the world, the AH, and in PvP.
How to apply:
You can add Shamk (Shamk#1820), Kirsae (Calius#1360), Kabah
(CabaOdaba#1233 ), or Lamps (Blacklamps#1153) to find out more
about us.