[Recruitment Status]
Recruitment is currently open for all classes for MOP.
[About Headhunters]
Headhunters are a mature, PVE orientated guild. Our primary goal is
to beat the content that Blizzard have created, and have a good
time doing it. In the nearly 8 years since our creation we have
built a reputation of being trustworthy, reliable and skilled, a
reputation we intend to keep and build upon. We have many server
first kills to our name, including Ragnaros, Onyxia, Archimonde,
Illidan, Kel’thuzad, Sartharion, Malygos, Algalon the Observer and
Sindragosa (heroic).
Joining Headhunters will allow you to meet and play with
like-minded people who share a common goal; to beat the latest
content. We use TeamSpeak 3 for our scheduled raids including farm
raids. This makes raiding a lot more enjoyable – it doesn’t always
need to be 100% serious business! TeamSpeak 3 is used by most of
our members (we have a fairly large number of active accounts in
the guild, mostly consisting of current and retired raiders) on a
daily basis so you will be hard pushed to find a time of the day
when nobody is on to chat to.
Outside of our scheduled raids you can normally find something to
do with our members, many of which will be found playing alts,
doing arena or farming battlegrounds/instances.
We currently run one 10 man raid on Wednesdays,Thursday, Sundays
& Mondays between 19:45 and 23:00 server time.
A minimum of item level 520 gear is required, correctly enchanted
and gemmed for your spec. You must also have the skill set we
require to defeat end-game content. This means:
* You know how to listen and respond to information and instruction
being given over TeamSpeak
* You can easily adapt to new strategies and bosses
* You are focused when in a raiding environment
* You are reliable with your attendance and performance
* Your computer hardware can cope with the increasing graphical
demands of some encounters
* Your internet connection is stable
* You know what a fire is and when to move from it
Contact Kigdom in-game if you are interested in applying or
fill out our application form on our website.
We look forward to hearing from you.