We are an old guild ressurected from WoLTK, Most of us have kept
raiding since then, we run a very tight ship as we all have lives
We are going to be pushing Mythic as soon as time allows us to.
Current needs : Exceptional DPS who want to fight for a spot.
We do not raid for much time each week, but we raid hard and do not
tolerate repeated mistakes, we find ourselves killing more and more
bosses each week due to how tight we keep things. 6 hours a week or
Raid times :
Tues - 10 PM EST to 12 AM EST
Wed - 10 PM EST to 12 AM EST
Thurs- 10 PM EST to 12 AM EST
If you are interested in applying, add Nakata#1710 to chat and see
if you may be a good fit.