Big Crits raids three nights a week, four or three hours each
night. In order to clear the toughest content in the game on
such a light schedule we need a roster full of the best. As such,
recruitment is always open to all exceptional players
regardless of class, spec, or role.
We believe competition is healthy and encourage any player who
feels they can compete with someone of their role in our current
roster to apply.
We will entertain applications from all exceptional players
with special emphasis on the following!
--12 Hour and 9 Hour Teams--
-- Needs --
♦ Holy Paladin
♦ Resto Shaman
♦ Holy/Disc Priest
♦ Mistweaver Monk
♦ Resto Druid
♦ Enh/Ele and Ele/Enh Shaman
♦ Balance Druid
♦ Shadowpriest
♦ Rogue, WW, Warrior DPS, Enhance
Paid transfers available to exceptional players who meet the
required criteria.
About us
Started in 2010 as a web-based reality series about real people
conquering a virtual world, Big Crits has evolved into a massive
cross-title gaming community. With the release of WoD, we are
gearing up to meet new guild goals and opening up recruitment to
all exceptional players regardless of class or role. That community
has allowed us to have two 20 Man Mythic groups, with their own set
Appropriate candidates are ready and excited to raid in 20 Man
Mythic in Warlords of Draenor. Ideal candidates maintain an
enviable level of knowledge in regards to their class with a
proactive attitude towards progression. Our community is vast and
active; theory crafting and strategizing are both held in high
regard. Dependable and appropriate levels of attendance are
A stable internet connection and machine capable of running
necessary add-ons during graphically intensive 20 man encounters is
required. Mumble and a working microphone with an understanding of
how to communicate pertinent information is also required.
Raid Schedule
Lighter during farm content.
Schedule is given in CST, which is server time on
12 Hour Team - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:30pm –
9 Hour Team - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:00pm –
Recent Milestones:
We have maintained completion of all content while relevant since
our inception. Our goal is to improve every tier with Mists of
Pandaria being no exception.
- Heroic: Ra-Den US 55 25m
- Heroic: Lei Shen US 57 25m
- Terrace of Endless Spring Clear (N): World/US 12 25m
- Heroic: Four Kings US 46 25m
- Heroic: Madness of Deathwing US 107 25m
- Heroic: Ragnaros US 97 25m
- Heroic: Sinestra US 135 25m
Want to learn more?
Visit our guild site:
Ready to apply?
If you have any questions about the guild or about recruitment, do
not hesitate to message us on our forums or in game via
Therec - Therec#1979
Shadows - Shadows#1383
May all your Hits be Crits!