After a hiatus in mid-MOP, Nightlife has returned. Raid times are
12:30am-? EST Tuesday and Wednesday nights. (techinically Wed/Thurs
early AM) and we are looking at adding a third raid night to get
more in per week. Currently recruiting in all classes and roles.
(We have tanks but need another on server in order to get into
It's a fun, only barely censored group. We have long operated under
the assumption that insults as terms of endearment a far more fun
than the standard "whats up man." So if you are someone who is too
uptight to mess around, and be messed with, the guild probably isnt
the place for you. We treat eachother, and other guilds/players
with respect when due.
To give us a try, or request more information, contact Cyrandalar
via whisper or in-game mail if unavailable.
I will accept all applicants for now, however the only people
raiding with us will be those who know what they are doing. I'm not
into carrying people, but I will do what I can for the trying and