The Snakeeyes Recruitment For Cata
The Snakeeyes from Azjol-Nerub EU, being constantly on the top
guilds of server since vanilla wow, hated and loved as no other
guild on the server, is now recruiting in order to forge the new
Cataclysm raiding team.
1. Use of ventrilo, at least being able to understand and
comprehend the Scot and Russian raid leaders trying to speak
2. Able to raid 20:00-00:00 GT, raid days vary according to content
from 2-5.
3. Non-emo attitude, criticism tolerance.
4. Skill and knowledge of your class, playwise and gearwise.
5. Positive and persistant attitude during progress raids with the
ability to correct your own mistakes.
6. Sense of humor.
7. Will be active after Cataclysm release.
8. Orange dyed hair (optional but will give extra credit).
What can we offer?
1. Proper raid experience.
2. A social environment that extends beyond warcraft, we have
always been a community, past and present members.
3. The possibility to enjoy the game in all its aspects.
For more info contact the recruit officer Neisseria or any of the
other officers.
The ancient application form we cba to change can be found at
Illegal disclaimer: SnakeEyes are not responsible for any abuse
occurred during the application process and trial period by their