Hey, if you're reading this, you might be interested in raiding
with Adrastos. This will be a semi short summary of what we're
trying to do, raidtimes etc.
Our raid times are: Wednesday, 20:00-24:00 and Sunday, 19:00-24:00
(server time). The thought behind it is getting as many raiding
hours possible in two raiding days, so we don't have to raid three
set days which in turn gives more flexibility for real life stuff
or other in-game activities. We want to use those two days strictly
for progressing, which means raiders should try to clear as much of
normal/HC in pug's or in raids that the guild set up on of days
(when we start with mythic) for gear upgrades. It might sound like
it'll be three days, but the third day will be flexible and it will
only be important at the very start of the tier.
The type of raider we're looking for:
We want our raids to be whining free. We've raided a lot before and
what we've experienced is that in raid groups where people start
moaning and complaining, it'll only go downhill (including and
maybe especially from the leadership). We want to try keeping our
raids as positive as possible, figuring out what's going wrong
after each wipe and adjust accordingly. It's not about not calling
out errors, it's about what way we want it to be done. Toxic
players that don't know how to be a team player is totally
Only raiding two times each week means we need everyone to have
good attendance, 80%+. There will always be that rare event in real
life you can't miss, but a usual week should be 100%
When we raid you need to keep 100% focus the hours we raid. In this
guild we want to do real progress in mythic content, and that won't
happen if we have a raid who is not dedicated and focused while we
Our mentality when it comes to raiding is min/max'ing as a
4-5day/week guild would do. Showing up to raids with the best
flasks, potions and food, have read up on the latest class updates
etc, to push out as much dps/hps as possible is something we like
and that's the kind of people we're looking for, to raid with.
We're only casual in the amount of days we're raiding.
Raiding two times each week, looking for good and friendly
Our progress in Highmaul: 7/7HC 2/7 Mythic.
What we're mainly recruiting right now is:
-Monk healer (high prio)
-Shaman healer and DPS (high prio)
-Rogue (high prio)
-Warlock (medium prio)
But are you good enough, you will be highly concidered no matter
what we're currently recruiting.
Check out http://adrastos.wowlaunch.com/ if you're interested in
applying or you can PM gm/officers ingame for more info or add our
battlenet for a chat:
Mordanis (GM), Anima#2420
Süperrai (Officer), Raich#2682