Dark Souls Recruitment
Pretty full atm so closing recruitment again
About us:
Dark Souls is a long-standing Alliance guild on Kilrogg-EU. The
guild consists of a core group of raiders, alts, casual raiders and
friends of the guild. Dark Souls have progressed through content
since Vanilla and are now working on the current raid tier.
Current raid frequency is 3 raids per week: Wednesday, Sunday and
Monday. Raid times are from 19:55-23:00, although depending on our
current content the raid is sometimes extended to fit our needs. We
use Skype / Mumble as a social tool rather than a raiding tool, and
seldom rely on voice chat for tactics.
We generally have room for casual applications if you are simply
applying to play with your friends.
What we expect:
• Be able to endure wiping on new content.
• Have a strong connection and a good enough PC to handle
• Be mature in attitude and age.
• Sense of punctuality so we can start raids on time.
• Motivated to play WoW and stay active. If you see yourself going
casual in the near future, we don’t want you.
• Able to take criticism: if we see you standing in fire or making
simple mistakes, we’ll tell you.
• Someone who understands how their class works and knows how
upcoming changes are going to affect them and what they will have
to do to adapt to these changes.
• Finally, effort in writing your application and a thoroughly
detailed explanation of your gearing, if needed, and your previous
experience in WoW.
Our guild website/forum is http://www.darksoulseu.enjin.com. If you
have any questions, feel free to contact any of our officers
• Taczin
• Poonage
• Jayshwa
• Shuka
• Juuel