<Mistborn> was created in 2012 by a group of friends, which
grew and created a group of raiders that have been playing together
ever since.
The guild will continue its progress in the upcoming expansion WoD
and we are getting prepared! Recruitment status: OPEN -since we are
converting from a 10m raiding guild into a 20m-
* Our progress in MoP:
MSV 3/6 HC
HoF 6/6 N
ToES 4/4 N
ToT 1/13 HC
SoO 11/14 HC (pre-patch 6.0.2), Rank 10 in Twilight's Hammer
* Raiding days:
Thursday 20.00-23.00 st
Sunday 20.00-23.00 st
Tuesday 20.00-23.00 st
(Sometimes it might get a little bit longer, depending on our aims
for the progress)
* The Guild:
You must be on time and ready for the Raids! if you can't attend
for any reason, make sure you inform an Officer! We don't like
having ppl waiting for that one person...
Trial period will be based on how well you know and/or understand
the fight mechanics. (We don't care that much about DPS meters or
HPS meters as long as you know what to do ^^). Being eager to learn
and/or understand your class better and improve your skills, counts
as a PLUS.
We have guild repairs open for the Raiders (increased amount) and
the guild members.
Guild will NOT provide Flasks and Potions to the Raiders, it's
important that you bring your own, except for emergency situations
where we ll allow you to withdraw from the Guild Bank. Raiders with
NO flask, pots, enchants and gems will NOT be allowed to join the
We use TS3 and it's mandatory to be on it during raids. Having a
mic and be able to talk will be appreciated.
We are using EPGP system for the loots! but officers take into
consideration the needs, attendance and performance of the Raiders
-we want the best for the raiding group while being fair! Loot
drama won't be accepted!
Discrimination or offensive comments are not welcome neither on TS
nor in guild chat.
We are friendly, welcoming and we are really into achievement
hunting, so anyone interested in that is very welcome ^.^
* Recruiting:
<Mistborn> is recruiting!
In order to proceed with our progress we currently NEED: Disc
priest and/or Resto druid.
Exceptional players are always being considered no matter of the
class/role, so don't hesitate to contact us.
Feel free to whisper us in game for more info =)
/w Cycløne, Bloodomen, Pandaloni, Nirë, Dudumaster.