Damage Control leads Horde guild progression on Suramar and is
currently ranked 4th on the server. We raid a mere 3 nights a week
for four hours each night.
Recruitment Needs
* Discipline Priest
* Enhancement Shaman
* Retribution Paladin
* Balance Druid
* DPS Warrior
Raiding Requirements
Attendance on at least two of the three nights is expected. We are
mindful of people's real life schedules and try to be flexible as
many of our members have families and full time jobs. However, our
commitment to progress is uncompromising.
Apply to Damage Control by visiting our website
(http://damagecontrolguild.shivtr.com) or add Battletags for Grof
(Grof#1678) or Gonnek (GoliathVT#1433) and contact us in-game.
Preferred Gear
* 560 or higher item level
* Legendary cloak.
We are always willing to consider skilled candidates that do not
quite have the gear, but we would likely request World of Logs,
Warcraft Logs or links to your progression history in such cases to
help us better assess your ability.
Raid Schedule
Tues: 5:30PST - 9:30PST (Server)
Thurs: 5:30PST - 9:30PST (Server)
Sun: 5:30PST - 9:30PST (Server)
About the Guild
We are continuing 25man heroic progression through Siege of
Orgrimmar and are currently 11/14. As Warlords of Draenor
approaches, DC plans to only slightly refine its roster to about 27
raiders to ensure the best 20man raid composition possible to
tackle Mythic content and account for any gaps in attendance. We
regularly cycle players who volunteer to sit throughout the course
of the night so that all active members are raiding as much as
Damage Control does not impose hardcore raiding requirements on its
members but we do ask that players come prepared with consumables
and a solid understanding of the mechanics of the fights we intend
to tackle.
Recruitment Process
Recruits will undergo a two week trial period. During that time, it
is expected that they be prepared with consumables and be online on
time and raid-ready during scheduled raiding times. The officers
will conduct an informal interview to inform you of guild resources
and guidelines, ensure website and forum access has been set, help
get to know you better and gain a stronger understanding of your
raiding outlook.
Ready to apply? Click the link below to visit the Damage Control